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The Art of Indigenous Resistance Traveling Art Show, Honor the Earth (various galleries throughout the United States: May 2017 - Current); SLAY serigraph


Viva La Muxer Art and Music Festival and Exhibition, Plaza de la Raza (Los Angeles, CA: 

May 2019); the past/present/future of Indigenous motherhoodmixed-media medallion (collaborative piece with Jenell Navarro)


Unravelling Collective Forms, Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions (Los Angeles, CA: April – May 2019); Indigenous feminist zines


LOOM Indigenous Arts Indigenous Feminist Spatiality Exhibit, University of New Mexico FabLab Gallery (Albuquerque, NM: April 2019); Beadwerkmixed-media serigraph (collaborative piece with Jenell Navarro), In Aunties We Trust serigraph, Diary of An Indigenous Femmemixed-media installation (collaborative piece with Jenell Navarro), Not Enough Sagemixed-media collage (collaborative piece with Estella Burque)


Erasure: Native American Genocide, ReflectSpace (Glendale, CA: February – April 2019); In Aunties We Trust serigraph (catalogue)


Winter Show, LOOM Indigenous Art Gallery (Gallup, NM: December 2018 -- February 2019); Beadwerk mixed-media serigraph co-created with Jenell Navarro, In Aunties We Trust serigraph, Diary of an Indigenous Femme mixed-media installation co-created with Jenell Navarro


Comida es Medicina, Galería de La Raza (San Francisco, CA: August -- November 2018); Tafvmpuce serigraph (curated by Suzy González and Luz Calvo) (catalogue)


This is How They Keep, Pain Sugar Gallery (Riverside, CA: September -- October 2018); Beadwerk mixed-media serigraph co-created with Jenell Navarro, In Aunties We Trust serigraph, Diary of an Indigenous Femme mixed-media installation co-created with Jenell Navarro


When She Rises, Duron Gallery, Social and Public Art Resource Center (Los Angeles, CA: July -- September 2018); SLAY serigraph


2018 Annual Print Fair & Exhibition, Self Help Graphics & Art Gallery (Los Angeles, CA:  Summer 2018); In Aunties We Trust serigraph


Hear Our Voices: A Women-Centric Show, Avenue 50 Studio (Los Angeles, CA: May -- June 2018); Beadwerk mixed-media serigraph


Spoken/Unspoken: Forms of Resistance, Mary Porter Sesnon Art Gallery (Santa Cruz, CA: February -- March 2018); SLAY serigraph


Ancestors & Radical Self-Acceptance Art Pop-Up, Gal.Chem.Ism Studio (Santa Monica, CA: October 20, 2017); In Aunties We Trust mixed-media collage


2017 Annual Print Fair & Exhibition, Self Help Graphics & Art (Los Angeles, CA: June 24, 2017); SLAY serigraph


Viva La Muxer Art and Music Festival and Exhibition, Plaza de la Raza (Los Angeles, CA: March 11, 2017); SLAY serigraph






Beading a Path to the Future: An Indigenous Feminist Beading Program

Legacy LA, Los Angeles, CA: August 2019 – March 2020.


Tarahat Women’s Beading and Talking Circle

Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians, San Fernando, CA: April 2019 – March 2020.


Memorial Portrait Workshop

In partnership with Indigenous Circle of Wellness and Meztli Projects, Los Angeles, CA: February 2020.


Memorial Medallion Workshop

East LA Summer Arts and Community Circles (in partnership with Meztli Projects and the East LA Consortium), Los Angeles, CA: August 2019.


Education > Incarceration jailed, zine, and video installation

Cal State LA #JailBedDrop, JFK Memorial Library North, Los Angeles, CA: August -- December 2018 (in collaboration with Joel Garcia, LBS and WGSS students, the JusticeLA coalition, Project rebound and Words Uncaged)


SLAY cropped hoodie and tote bag

B. Yellowtail Designs, Los Angeles, CA: November 2017 (fashion collaboration)


Zine and screen-printing workshop

City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs and the National Endowment for the Arts 2018 Big Read, Los Angeles, CA: April 2018 (in collaboration with Self Help Graphics & Art)


Zine-making workshop

Autry After Hours, Autry Museum of the American West, Los Angeles, CA: April 2018 (in collaboration with Self Help Graphics & Art)


Mass Incarceration Since 1492 jailed and zine

JusticeLA #JailBedDrop Project, Los Angeles, CA: December 2017 (in collaboration with the Green Corn Collective)


Legacies of Resistance and Resilience community altar and zine

Self Help Graphics & Art Noche de Ofrenda at Grand Park, Los Angeles, CA: November 2017 (in collaboration with WGSS students from Cal State LA)






Invited Speaker

CSULA Womxn and Femmes of Color Conference: Our Narratives (Los Angeles, CA: November 2018); Indigenous Feminisms: Knowledges, Methodologies, and Practices



CSULA American Communities Program Fellows Symposium (Los Angeles, CA: September 2018); Indigenous Feminisms: Knowledges, Methodologies, and Practices


Roundtable/Workshop Organizer and Speaker

Allied Media Conference (Detroit, MI: June 2018); Using Zines to Center Native Peoples in Community Organizing


Roundtable/Workshop Organizer and Speaker

Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Conference (Los Angeles, CA: May 2018); The Future is Cut and Pasted: Zine-Making as a Native Feminist Practice


Keynote Speaker

CSUN Gender and Women's Studies 14th Annual Undergraduate Conference (Northridge, CA: May 2018)


Invited Speaker

CSULA Cross Cultural Center (Los Angeles, CA: April 2018); This Land is Your Land?


Invited Speaker

The Decolonizing Mental Health Festival (Los Angeles, CA: March 2018)


Invited Speaker

Stanford University Feminist and Gender Studies Department (Stanford, CA: February 2018); Indigenous Feminist Artivist Practices


Invited Speaker

Neighborhood Funders Group's Funders for a Just Economy Convening (Los Angeles, CA: January 2018)


Invited Speaker

University of California, Riverside Neo Native: Toward New Mythologies Symposium (Riverside, CA: November 2017); Native Feminist Artivist Practices


Invited Speaker

Strong Hearted Native Women's Coalition's Sexual Assault Against Native Women Conference (Temecula, CA: May 2017); Community-Centered Efforts to Address Violence against Indigenous Women and Girls


Workshop Facilitator

National Indian Nations Conference: Justice for Victims of Crime (Palm Springs, CA: December 2016); Community-Centered Efforts to Address Violence against Indigenous Women and Girls


Roundtable Speaker

National Women’s Studies Association Conference (Montreal, Canada: November 2016); Beading a Path to the Future: Indigenous Anti-Violence Work, Community Activism, and Walking With Our Sisters


Invited Speaker

University of California, Riverside Ethnic Studies Department (Riverside, CA: October 2016); Dancing with the Devil: The Indigenous Feminist Anti-Violence Movement and Federal Legislation


Invited Speaker

California State University, Long Beach American Indian Studies Program (Long Beach, CA: October 2016); ReRighting the Historical Record: Settler Colonialism and Violence Against Native Women


Invited Speaker

California State University, Los Angeles Center for the Study of Genders and Sexualities (Los Angeles, CA: September 2016); ReRighting the Historical Record: Violence Against Native and Indigenous Women


Invited Workshop Presenter

Torres Martinez Tribal TANF Monterey Park Teen Night (Los Angeles, CA: August 2016); #NativeLove


Roundtable Speaker

Native American & Indigenous Studies Association Conference (Honolulu, Hawai’i: May 2016); Activating Recuperation: How Community Mobilization is Decolonizing Violence against Indigenous Women and Girls


Invited Speaker

California State University, Northridge Department of Social Work Diversity Day (Northridge, CA: February 2016); Careful, Uncle Sam, Your Proclivity For Heteropatriarchy And Settler Colonialism Is Showing OR Why We Need Native Feminisms


Invited Speaker

University of Alberta Indigenous Masculinities Symposium (Edmonton, Canada: December 2015); The (Re)production of Indigenous Fatherhood: Settler Colonialism, Heteropatriarchy, and the Indian Child Welfare Act


Invited Speaker

California State University, Northridge Liberation Based Healing Conference (Northridge, CA: November 2015); Dancing with the Devil: Settler Colonialism, Gendered Violence, and Indigenous Anti-Violence Activism


Invited Speaker

University of Alberta Indigenous Foucault Symposium (Edmonton, Canada: October 2015); Dancing with the Devil: The Gendered Violence of Settler Biopolitics


Invited Speaker

University of California, Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz, CA: October 2015); Dancing with the Devil: Settler Colonialism, Gendered Violence, and Indigenous Anti-Violence Activism


Invited Speaker

University of California, Los Angeles Native American/Pacific Islander SITE Program (Los Angeles, CA: July 2015); Indians in Unexpected Places:  My Journey Through Higher Education


Panel Organizer and Panelist

Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Conference (Washington DC: June 2015); Beyond Metaphors: A Native Feminist Felt Theorization of Settler Colonialism and Academia


Panel Co-Organizer and Panelist

Critical Ethnic Studies Association Conference (Toronto, Canada: May 2015); Un-Disciplined and Un-Civilized: Articulating, Confronting, and Resisting Settler Colonialism, Heteropatriarchy, White Supremacy, and Capitalism at CSUN


Invited Keynote Speaker

Whisper N Thunder: Gathering of Women (Westwood, CA: January 2015); Beyond The Recognition of Violence: U.S. Public Policy and Violence Against Native Women


Invited Panelist

California State University, Northridge Speak Up & Out Series: Let’s Talk About Race (Northridge, CA: December 2014)


Invited Speaker

University of California, Los Angeles Native American/Pacific Islander SITE Program (Los Angeles, CA: August 2014); The Recognition of Violence: U.S. Public Policy and Violence Against Native Women


Invited Co-Presenter

Tataviam Nation’s TAMIT Summer Academy (Los Angeles, CA: June 2014); American Indians and the Bechdel Test


Panel Chair and Panelist

Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Conference (Austin, TX: May 2014); But Sometimes I Don’t Feel Like An Indian: Gendered Violence, Settler Colonialism, and The Regulation of Native Identity


Invited Panelist

California State University, Northridge Pride Center Event: “The Changing Same: Panel Discussion” (Northridge, CA: February 2014)



Critical Ethnic Studies Association Conference (Chicago, IL: September 2013); Unidentified Bodies: The Tribal Law and Order Act and Violence Against Urban Indian Women


Invited Speaker

University of California, Los Angeles Native American / Pacific Islander SITE Program (Los Angeles, CA: August 2013); Violence Against Native Women


Invited Keynote Speaker

California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo American Indian Student Commencement (San Luis Obispo, CA: June 2013); Mavericks, Queers, Renegades: Natives in the Academy


Invited Speaker

College of the Canyons Book of the Year Presentation (Los Angeles, CA: April 2013); The Round House and Violence Against Native Women



National Indian Child Welfare Act Conference (Tulsa, OK: April 2013); American Indian Families Partnership: Traditional Arts and Indian Education



California Conference on American Indian Education. (Santa Barbara, CA: March 2013); American Indian Families Partnership: Traditional Arts and Indian Education



American Studies Association Conference (Baltimore, MD: October 2011); Imagine That: Settler-Colonialism, Native Women, and Urban Indian Identity



Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Conference (Davis, CA: May 2011); (Re)locating Violence: Urbanity, the Construction of Identity, and Violence Against Native Women



University of California, Los Angeles Race and Sovereignty Symposium (Los Angeles, CA: April 2011); Making Native Communities More Safe and Secure: The Tribal Law and Order Act and Gendered Urban Indian Identity



Critical Ethnic Studies Association Conference. (Riverside, CA: March 2011); Gender Out of Bounds: Urban Native Identity and Violence Against Native Women



National Women’s Studies Association Conference (Denver, CO: November 2010); Unchartered Territory: Native Feminisms and Violence Against Urban Indian Women



University of California, Los Angeles Critical Race Studies Symposium (Los Angeles, CA: March 2010); Unsettled Territory: Violence Against Urban Native Women


Invited Plenary Speaker

University of California, Los Angeles Thinking Gender Conference (Los Angeles, CA: February 2010); Un-Settling Questions: The Construction of Urban Native Identity and Violence Against Native Women



Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (Minneapolis, MO: May 2009); Rerighting Herstory: A Case Study of the South Dakota Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault



American Indian Studies Association Conference (Tempe, AZ: February 2008); Learning Service: Student Engagement in Strengthening Urban Indian and Tribal Communities



Pacific Southwest Women's Studies Association Conference (Los Angeles, CA: April 2007); On the Edge of Privacy: Native Women, Sexual Violence, and Feminist Theory



Indigenous Women's Symposium (Toronto, Canada: March 2007); 'Nits Make Lice': American Indian Breastfeeding, Genocide, and Transnational Processes



American Indian Studies Association Conference (Tempe, AZ: February 2007); Native Women and Questions of Privacy: The Gendered Effects of Federal, State, and Tribal Legislation



Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social Summer Institute (Santa Cruz, CA: August 2006); Does it Really do a Body Good? The Politics of Native Breastfeeding



QGrad: Graduate Student Conference on Gender and Sexuality (Los Angeles, CA: October 2001); Dancing Disco into the Heterosexual Heart of America: John Travolta and Saturday Night Fever



National Conference on Undergraduate Research (April 2000); Women of Color, Feminist Presses and the United States Academy



Pennsylvania State McNair Research Conference (August 1999); Women of Color, Feminist Presses and the United States Academy



National Undergraduate Literature Conference (April 1999); Chicana Feminist Literature and Post-Modern Feminist Theory



Rocky Mountain McNair Research Symposium and Graduate Education Conference (April 1999); Feminist Publishing By Women of Color 



If we allow the pieces of our culture to lie scattered in the dust of history, trampled on by racism and grief, then yes, we are irreparably damaged.  But if we pick up the pieces and use them in new ways that honor their integrity, their colors, textures, stories -- then we do those pieces justice, no matter how sharp they are, no matter how much handling them slices our fingers and makes us bleed.   -- Deborah Miranda


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